Friday, December 18, 2009

Hearts On Fire

There are lots of songs about love and fire. Falling into rings of it, hearts being engulfed in flames-this type of thing. It's so romantic! And terrifying! I sketched out this lovestruck alien girl and then finished the piece on the ol' compy.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I've been doing some freehand embroidery and here's the latest one. When it's done I might branch out and make a blue skull. Who knows!!!???

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Harriet, Sweet Harriet

I really, really hope you heard the episode of This American Life a couple of weeks ago that featured the story about Harriet the hedgehog. If you didn't you can listen to it here. Prepare to be filled with a warm fuzzy feeling towards hedgehogs, if you don't already harbor such feelings. Here's my version of Harriet with her meds.