Monday, October 28, 2013

New Halloween & Day of the Dead Themed Wallpapers on Poolga!

Get into the spooky spirit of the season with these two iPhone wallpapers I designed-now available for free on Poolga!

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Super Precious & Silver Screen Society!

Two fun pieces for the end of summer-first a little something for the Super Precious Road Trips show commemorating Shag: The Movie, or, as I like to call it, the best movie in the entire universe. Also did this piece for the Silver Screen Society's NeverEnding Story show. Poor, poor Artax.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Battle Royale-Me VS. Acrylic Paint

I've been working on some new deck paintings lately for an upcoming show...and boy howdy that there painting an actual physical object sure is different than using the 'ol computron. I started with the bam bam/misfits girl piece first and like it despite wanting to throw it out the window about half way through due to frustration/impatience. With the flowers and skulls piece, I used masking tape and wax paper to mask out shapes and add shading. Pretty happy with how it turned out and will be using that technique on the next deck. But let's get to the most important picture in this whole post. LOOK AT THE ADORABLE LUNCH I ATE TODAY!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Watercolor Doodles

Playing around with some non digital painting this weekend...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Crazy Gods and Goddesses

The endless Boston winter is in still holding on with an icy, uncaring grip. I have been wearing my bean boots everyday since November. When. Will. It. End. In the meantime here are some k-razzy gods and goddesses I came up with for a new project at work.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Li-bary love

I love the library and it loves me. We're going to be together forever.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Spin doodles

I love spin class. It makes me feel like my face is literally on fire, but I love it. I also love people watching in class. Some people have the jaded "I do this every other day" look on their face and some people look like they're going to throw up, but in general everybody takes riding a stationary bike to trance remixes of Coldplay songs really, really seriously. And I think that's pretty great.